AIM: In Turkey, studies about frequency of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning are rare. In this study, it is aimed to determine the frequency of the CO poisoning cases occurring all around the country.
METHOD: This study was planned as a descriptive study covering Turkey in general as stage. In this study, the CO poisoning case records of Ministry of Health Treat Services General Directorate in 2010 have been examined. The distribution of cases among regions-provinces, mortality rates, types of CO sources, seasonal and monthly dispersions have been examined.
RESULTS: According to the records, totally 10.154 cases of CO poisoning were detected in Turkey in 2010 and only 39 of them were ended with death. It is determined that the frequency of cases is 0,0137% (approximately 14 in every 100.000) and mortality rate is about 5 in every 10 million. Poisoning cases have been occurred mostly in Marmara Region (3.426 cases, 33,7%). When it is evaluated in regard to the population, cases are mostly seen in Kilis (0,1998%). As of mortality rates, Bursa has the most number of cases ending with death (18 cases).
CONCLUSION: Compared to studies in other countries, according to our data, Turkey was faced with more frequent cases of CO poisoning. The number of cases has increased, especially during the winter months.
Key words: Carbon monoxide poisoning, frequency. Article Language: Turkish English