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Review Article

NNJ. 2020; 9(1): 3-6

Knowledge on nurse led cam therapy among women with Gynaecological cancer

Prof., Mrs. V. Jayanthi.



CAM, as defined by the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), is a diverse group of medical and health-care systems, practices, and products that may not yet be incorporated into conventional medicine. Aim: To assess the knowledge on Nurse led CAM therapy. Setting and Design: The study was conducted at NMCH, Nellore, by using a descriptive research design. Materials and Methods: 60 women were selected by purposive sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data and the collected data was organized, tabulated, analysed and interpreted by using Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Results: The study concluded that 30 (50%) participants had only 70% of knowledge on CAM. This concept helped to determine which options have efficacy and which do not.

Key words: Nurse led ,Complementary and Alternative Medicine, women

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