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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1836-1843

The Philosophy of Justice, Biological Justice and Their Practices in Judgment Decisions

Amran Suadi.


- Justice is one of the objectives of the law that the judge wants to uphold. Because justice is subjective and individual, it cannot be separated from place, time, and others which greatly affect the sense of justice of judges. Fairness becomes even more important when 'questions of law' are applied to 'questions of facts'. Justice is defined as a value for creating ideal relationships between humans. They have the right according to law and morality as stated in the popular doctrine "fiat justitia ruat caelum" which means that justice must be upheld even though the sky is falling. Biological justice is a normative entity committed to realizing human dignity. Biological Justice Theory offers a broader understanding of the meaning of justice.

Key words: philosophy of justice , biological justice ; judge's decisions

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