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Transcatheter Device Closure of Secundum Atrial Septal Defect in Adult Patient

Nabil Naser, Nura Hadziomerovic, Sevleta Avdic.


Background: Atrial septal abnormalities are common congenital lesions remaining asymptomatic until adulthood in a great number of patients. The most frequent atrial septal defects in adults are ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD). Complications from untreated, hemodynamically significant ASD are atrial arrhythmia, paradoxical embolization, Eisenmenger’s syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular failure. Objective: We present a case report of secundum ASD in adult female patient who underwent transcatheter device closure with Amplatzer occluder. Methods and Results: The case of female Bosnian patient 50 years old who lives in Belgium for 20 years ago and during her visit to Bosnia she came to our polyclinic for cardiological exam. Echocardiographic exam showed enlargement of left atrium (LAD 51mm), right atrium and ventricle (RAD 46mm, RVd 33mm), atrial septal defect 9mm with left right shunt Qp:Qs 2,3:1. Several months later transcatheter device closure with Amplatzer occluder was performed and subsequent symptomatic improvement reported after closure. Conclusion: Echocardiography has superior role for precise evaluation of ASD type secundum who are suitable for transcatheter device closure as primary treatment option. Transcatheter techniques has now become preferable to surgical repair and provide valid option of treatment for this type of CHD.

Key words: Atrial septal defect (ASD), echocardiography, Doppler echocardiography, transcatheter device closure, atrial septal occluder (ASO), Amplatzer occluder.

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