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Beneficial Effects of Black Seed Oil on Blood, Hormone Profile, Sperm Parameters and Histotexture of Testis of Male Mice Exposed to Bisphenol-A

Khaled Mahmud Sujan, Mohammad Alam Miah, Afrina Mustari, Md. Kamrul Islam.


Bisphenol-A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor that is widely used in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics, epoxy resins and dental sealants. It has adverse effects on reproduction. Black seed oil is frequently used as folk medicine for the promotion of good health and treatment of many ailments. The study was carried out to investigate the effect of Bisphenol-A (BPA) and black seed oil (BSO) on hematological parameters, hormone, sperm parameters and patho-physiological changes of testis in mice. A total of 15 male Swiss Albino mice (Mus musculus), of 25-28 days were used and randomly divided into 3 groups consisting 5 mice in each group. Group A served as vehicle control whereas group B and group C were as BPA and BPA plus BSO group respectively. Both BPA @ 50 mg/kg/day and BSO @ 1ml/kg/day were administered orally. Results revealed that BPA caused reduced hematological parameters (Hb, TEC, and PCV) in mice. Inclusion of BSO in BPA treated mice prevented the alterations of those values. Serum T4 and testosterone concentration were significantly (p

Key words: Bisphenol-A, Black Seed Oil, Mice, Hematology, T4, Testosterone, Sperm and Testis.

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