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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 216-219

Causes of non-compliance with prescribed medication in children with persistent asthma presenting to tertiary care center.

Roshia Parveen, Muhammad Nadeem Chohan, Nazimuddin Soomro, Muhammad Hayat, Khuda Bux Khoso.


Objective: To determine the causes of non-compliance with prescribed medication in children with persistent asthma presenting to a tertiary care center.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Pediatric Medicine, National Institute of Child Health, Karachi from 01-10-2015 to 31-03-2016. A total of 77 patients were included in the study. A questionnaire was administered to review the various reasons of noncompliance in persistent asthma.
Results: The mean age of children was 7.3±1.7 years with M: F = 1: 1.13. Cost of medication was the most common reason of non-compliance with prescribed medication in 32(41.5%) children followed by ineffectiveness of medication in 26(33.8%), difficulty in using inhaler in 12(15.6%), fear of side effect in 4(5.2%) and forgetfulness in three (3.9%) cases.
Conclusion: Cost of medication was the main reason of non-compliance of prescribes medication of asthma. Forgetfulness was the least common reason of non-compliance.

Key words: Inhaled steroids, chronic lung disease, asthma.

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