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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6401-6411

A Correlative Study: The Influence Of Job Stress On Depression And Anxiety Among Female School Teachers



Each career is inflicting strain ,if prolonged. that could result in depression . Teaching, like many other professions, is one of the most stressful. Female teachers in the teaching profession are becoming more prevalent in educational settings. Job stress has an impact on both our health and our work. Depression is a complex disorder characterised by a wide range of thoughts and behaviours that can affect anyone. It can also welcome anxiety and turn into attacks; if it continues, it becomes a disorder studied in the study. The purpose of the study is to learn the impact of job stress on depression and anxiety among 125 female school teacher’s. Primary research methodology has been taken into consideration for the purpose of analysis with the help of three scales BDI-II, HAM-A and Workplace Stress Scale have been used for framing the questionnaire.
The result suggests that how our hypothesis has been proved for having a significant relationship as well as an impact of job stress, depression and anxiety by (0.190, 0.03 & 0.267) and being also significant at (0.01) and (0.05) level of Pearson’s correlation (2-tailed) as well as stating that how job stress is dependent on the depression and anxiety by (0.56) and (0.26) respectively and significantly.
This paper contains four sections:
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Objective
Section 3: Analysis of Questionnaire and Findings
Section 4: Conclusion

Key words: Female School Teachers, Job Stress, Depression and Anxiety

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