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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3102-3116

Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi’s Islamic Thoughts

Ms. Reena, Dr. D.M.Sahu.


The Naqshbandi Sufis had been in a very strong relationship with Mughal Empire. In spite of it, when Akbar introduced his Deen -i- Ilahi, they faced religious problems in this scenario, Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi played an important role and opposed innovations in the form of Deen -i- Ilahi . According to the teachings of Sirhindi, an innovation (Bid’at) in Deen is contrary to the Sunnah. He was not only a religious scholar and mystic but also a reformist leader and his teachings are purely based on Sunnah. This article aims to highlight the teachings of Sirhindi regarding the responsibilities of a Muslim ruler, the limitations of Shariah for man as well as his view that there is no contrary between “Tariqah and Shariah”. This research also deals with the expertise of Sirhindi that how he condemned the theory “Wahdat-ul-wajood” believes in the oneness of Allah Almighty and the mortality of all the living beings except Him. Sirhindi’s school of thought is as important today as it was in the 17th century.

Key words: Tasawwaf, Islamic mystic thought, Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi.

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