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Contribution of Healthcare Professionals in Issues that Relate to Quality Management

Mary Kyriacou Georgiou, Anastasios Merkouris, Maria Hadjibalassi, Pavlos Sarafis.


Background: The health sector should adopt integrated quality systems because of the need to survive and develop in a highly competitive environment. Inefficiency of mechanistic procedures, along with inadequate administrative infrastructure, impose innovative appoaches to improve operations and increase revenues by reducing quality feilures. Objective: A health system that relies on quality healthcare services can directly benefit the entire society, may reduce mortality, disease severity, and increase life expectancy. The following literature review constitutes an attempt to assess the contribution of healthcare professionals in issues that relate to quality management over the course of recent years. Methods: This systematic review took place between May 2019 and June 2020 in the databases PubMed, Cochrane Library, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus search engine databases. Study Selection and Data Extraction: This review includes articles written in English language, which contain quantitative and qualitative analysis of healthcare professionals’ involvement in quality activities. Correspondingly, the exclusion criteria were: languages ​​other than English, secondary surveys (general and systematic reviews or post-analyses), letters to the publisher, and editorials or articles that did not illuminate the subject under study. After an extensive literature review, a standardised Excel spreadsheet was developed for data extraction from the included studies. The main characteristics of the studies were recorded (author’s name, place and time of work, the article under study and the methodology) so that all research articles corresponding to the review could be included. 31 articles were included. Results: Healthcare professionals are engaged in quality improvement activities and there is high association between quality management strategies and clinical processes. A systematic approach on healthcare activities based on the input of healthcare professionals can help increase business performance, reduce errors, improve patient safety, and contribute to a more proactive care. Conclusion: Health professionals’ contribution in the strategic planning of healthcare organisations that address quality activities can lead to better output, both in patient satisfaction and safety.

Key words: Healthcare professionals, quality management, quality activity, quality improvement, patient safety.

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