In this study, the production and water consumption impacts of the year 2018 investment and income targets of Turkeys tourism industry is explored through the use of input-output model. In this respect, the input-output table published by TURKSTAT for 2012 was used and total demand, output and water use of tourism industry was obtained through industrial aggregation. In the analyses, tourism industry place in water resources and water consumption was considered in relation to the linkages with the other industries in Turkey which is as a water scarce country and in which the volume and quality of water is decreasing due to global warming and urbanization. When the impact assessment findings with regard to an increase in private sector investment and foreign tourism income are analyzed, plastic, agriculture, fisheries, chemistry and various services industries are observed to consume more water following tourism industrys own water consumption.
Key words: Tourism, Water Consumption, Input-Output Analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Footprint. JEL Codes: L83, Q25, D57. Article Language: EnglishTurkish