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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3117-3131

Women Education In Calcutta (1947-1961) With Special Reference To West Bengal

Sangita Chakraborty, Dr. Vandana Varma.


This work focused primarily on the study of women in technical, scientific, and medical education in Calcutta, West Bengal in the post-colonial period in the years between 1947 and 1961. Although Calcutta, West Bengal has been the focal point of study, this work also included some of the issues related to the spread of higher education in other districts and mofussil’s within the state. As the convenient entry point, it was proposed to begin with 1947 as it marked the birth of a new nation free from the shackles of colonial rule and it also enables one to draw up a comparative assessment of the developments taking place in pre and post-colonial Bengal.

Key words: Women, Education, Calcutta, West Bengal

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