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Hantavırus Outbreak: The Qualıtatıve Study

Funda Sevencan, Levent Akın.


Aim: In this study, it was aimed to research by means of qualitative research methods the contact of individuals living in the region with mice and wild animals during the examination of Hantavirus epidemic to produce.
Materials and Methods: In the interviews, the contact of participants with mice and wild animals, their opinions about the climate change and their symptom history pertaining to Hantavirus infections in themselves or relatives were discussed.
Results: The participants stated that they didn’t see any mouse or mouse excretion, however that they encountered such cases in areas such as woodbin, roof, terrace, forest, etc. all interviews, the increase in the number of wild boars and jackals was especially stated. In all interviews, it was stated that this year was more rainy and warmer compared to previous years.
Conclusion: The findings of the study give the impression that the participant group is under the risk of Hantavirus infection.

Key words: Hantavirus, Epidemic, Qualitative Research

Article Language: Turkish English

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