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JPAS. 2021; 21(1): 201-205

Sub-acute Toxicity Potentials of Albizia chevalieri Extracts on the Histology of the Liver, Kidney and Pancreas using Animal Model

Hajara Sani Labaran.


Medicinal plants are used in the treatment of many kinds of ailments in traditional medicine. The aim of this study was to investigate the sub-acute toxicity as well as the histological effect of Albizia chevalieri on liver, kidney, pancrease. The sub-acute toxicity study was conducted for 28 days to examine the toxicity of the extracts and the histology of the rat’s liver, kidney and pancreas. For this study, fresh set of healthy adult of rats of both sexes were used and grouped in to 4 groups of 5 rats each for methanolic extracts and they were labeled accordingly, group 1 received oral dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight, group 2 received 2500 mg/kg body weight, group 3 received 3000 mg/kg body weight and group 4 received 5000 mg/kg body weight per day, respectively, for 28 days using oral gavages’. Clinical observation was carried out for 28 days and their weight were measured weekly for four weeks. On the 28th day the final weight of the rats were measured and then they were anesthetized under diethyl ether the rats were sacrificed and the tissues were preserved in formal saline for histological examinations. The sub-acute toxicity study of the rats showed no significant change on behavior. The methanol extracts of Albizia chevalieri does not produce adverse effects in rats after the sub-acute treatment. Chronic and sub-chronic toxicity evaluations need to be done before marketing Albizia chevalieri.

Key words: sub-acute, Treatment, histology, mortality

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