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Implementation status of Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram in Ahmedabad district

Divya B Barot, Bhagyalaxmi A.


Background: The government has launched various schemes for reduction in maternal mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate. The Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) was launched to increase the institutional delivery by providing the entitlements for mother and infants by government.

Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the implementation status of JSSK and to identify the beneficiaries and provider perspective.

Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out during January 2014-December 2015. A total of 19 primary health centers (PHCs) and 10 community health centers (CHCs) were selected to study the implementation status of JSSK in Ahmedabad district.

Results: All the PHCs and CHCs had basic infrastructure facilities. In 50% PHCs and the entire CHCs provider perceived that there was overload in the work after the implementation of scheme. Provider perceives that there was lack of awareness of entitlements among beneficiaries.

Conclusion: All the PHCs and CHCs have the required infrastructure facilities to provide maternal and child health services. The laboratory services were available in all health centers, but it was inadequate.

Key words: Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram; Provider; Primary Health Center; Community Health Center

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