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Khalid Mohammed Alabdulwahhab.


From Editor’s Desk…..

At the outset let me express my gratitude to our beloved Rector Dr.Khalid Bin Saad Al Meqrin and Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Ahmad Alromaih for the trust en¬dowed upon me.

It’s a high time for humanity in the battle against COVID-19 pandemic; the Ministry of Health has initiated mass vaccination campaign and started more than 500 centers in the Kingdom. The minis¬try reported that the rate of the vaccination appointments has gone up, as the “Sehhaty” app has made it easy for the citizens and residents to book their appointments and know the location of the centers pro¬viding the vaccine. The ministry also reassured the public that the vaccines approved in the Kingdom are effective and safe. The editorial team support and encourage everyone to get vaccinated as early as possible and join the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

MJHS is happy to bring forth its 2nd issue of Vol 9: 2021 on time. The editorial team strives hard to publish all issues on time; as we believe that being punctual helps to establish reputation of MJHS as dependable and consistent. I express my sincere thanks to the international panel of experts and team of associate editors for their efforts to improve the publication process of MJHS office.

Authors who are submitting their research in MJHS are encouraged to enrich their scientific contributions by plagiarism checking and get their manuscripts professionally edited prior to submis¬sion; especially the authors for whom English is a second language. However, the language editing does not guarantee publication and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

The editorial team would like to thank all authors, reviewers, readers for your continuous support for the success of MJHS.

Dr. Khaid Mohammed Alabdulwahhab
Editor in Chief

Key words: Editorial

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