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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1893-1901

A Study of Factors Influencing Consumer’s choice while purchasing Health Insurance Policy in India

Indraneel Bhattacharjee.


Nature is volatile and ambiguous. The same is true of the life of a person in this unpredictable environment that is surrounded by threats and uncertainties. Any kind of misfortune can lead from minor to severe injury or even a person ending up losing his life.One of the most significant pre-requisites for human efficiency is good health, which in turn contributes to a society's overall growth. Health is understood as the essential foundation for defining the meaning of an individual well being. For a country, it is an important resource for pursuing national development objectives. With national and global health authorities increasingly emphasizing the need to keep the immune system strong throughout the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has gradually begun to prioritize health care.Although it is still necessary to have a clean diet and daily exercises to stay healthy during the current pandemic scenario, purchasing health insurance is one additional health measure that many people have taken.The point of this examination is to look at the variables affecting buying choices among individuals in India while picking a medical protection provider. Information was gathered through an organized survey filled by 170 respondents. The investigation of the information was finished utilizing factor analysis strategy based on those reactions. The discoveries of the investigation and suggestion are examined in this paper.

Key words: Medical insurance, Healthcare, Pandemic , National development

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