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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1902-1907

Study on factors impacting audience’s choice while connecting with podcast

Abhishek Tiwari.


This research paper looks into what are main reasons behind any listeners selecting or listening to any podcast. This study collects data from actual podcast audience who listen to different podcast daily. Questionnaire was filled up by around 200 frequent podcast listeners across India. Factor analysis was done on data collected to look for factors affecting podcast selection in India. Key findings of analysis suggest that Indian Audience look for a podcast which produce quality content and also comes up with new content frequently. And whether they keep on listening to those podcast depends a lot on their connection with host, connection can be in form of social media interactions or even people’s individual comfort with host voice. Audience wants to hear soothing and calm voice again and again and this factor is key for audience retention.

Key words: Podcasting in India, factor affecting podcast selection, key to a mass podcast, successful podcast factors.

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