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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1944-1946


Wahied Khawar Balwan, Neelam Saba.


Gnotobiotics is the scientific study of animals or other organisms that are raised in germ free environments or ones that contain only specifically known germs. The gnotobiotic laboratory animal is potentially a very valuable tool for investigating any suspected interaction between the host and its associated microflora or between different components of that flora. However, like many other good ideas, the production of gnotobiotes is simple in concept but complicated in execution. In the early stages the greatest obstacles to the general use of germ free animals were the expense and the restricted amount of space that could be maintained free from contaminants. Nowadays, with modern isolators and facilities it is easier to produce gnotobiotic animals at relatively modest price.

Key words: gnotobiotes, microorganisms, laboratory animal

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