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Comparison of chemical composition and quality of maize, sorghum and hybrid Napier grass CO-3 silages using bag or bucket silos

Noordeen Nusrathali, Musthapha Mufeeth, Abdeen Sharfan Ahamed, Udumalebbe Abdul Majeed, Muneeb Muhamed Musthafa.


This study investigated the effect of bag and bucket silos on the chemical composition and quality characteristics of silage made from maize, sorghum, and Coimbatore-3 (CO-3) grass cultivated in the eastern province of Sri Lanka. Each fodder was harvested at 50% of the flowering stage, chopped, and ensiled into the aforementioned silo types. After 30 days, sensory parameters, chemical, and fermentation characteristics of silage such as pH, lactic acid (LA), dry matter content (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF) ether extract (EE), water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC), and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) were measured. The results revealed that the texture of sorghum and maize was better than CO-3 grass and all silages were free from molds. Silo type had a non-significant (p

Key words: Silo types, ensiling, nutritive value, fermentation characteristics, sensory

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