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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4027-4033

Studying Use And Popularity Of Content Marketing For Businesses

Dr. Vivek Mittal, Dr. Anurag Shakya.


Content marketing moves away from marketing-based promotion and sales tactics and instead focuses on providing knowledge that adds value to the consumer. In today's digital, fast-paced, content world, content marketing has evolved into a potent marketing strategy. Although content marketing is not a new technique, it is steadily becoming more popular among businesses. So, why has content marketing become so popular in today's society? This article provides a complete overview of how a global content marketing strategy may be utilised to affect user interests and how vital it is in customer communication. This article explains how the importance of the organisation has changed as a result of the use of content marketing techniques.

Key words: Content, Market, Brand, Consumer, Business.

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