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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4034-4042

Geolinguistics In Flouting Grice's Conversational Maxim By Political Leaders In Critical Times

Amer Mohammad Ayasreh, Tamer Aljarrah, Ali, Suleiman Awwad, Radwan Abusaif, Mutaz Alkhresheh, Nada AL-Sabti, Mohammed Humiedan.


This study pragmatically analyzes the data from literature in terms of maxims violation by political leaders in critical situations. The interest of the current study is to explore the geographical differences and linguistics similarities in terms of Grice ' s Conversational Maxim violations by political leaders in critical situations. People usually obey conversational maxims to fulfil an effective communication without misunderstanding. Analysis of the maxims violations from the literature showed that political leaders violate the four principles of maxims in critical situations to convey meanings in their favour. Maxims violationsby political leaders were similar regardless of politiciansÂ’ language or geographical region. It can be implicated that political leaders violated maxims to convey particular shades of meanings that might not be conceivable to masses in order to get their support. This result also showed that there are linguistics similarities regardless of the language, background, or geographical differences.

Key words: Language geography; Geolinguistics; Violation, Flouting; Cooperative Principle and Politics.

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