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Case Report

Ameloblastic Carcinoma of The Mandible: A Rare Case Report

Endang Sjamsudin, Winarno Priyanto, Dina Novianti.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Ameloblastic carcinoma is a rarely been found a thus aggressive odontogenic tumour. Initially, this type of tumour resembled histologically benign ameloblastoma but lost its differentiation thus behaving malignantly although the clinical appearance shows benign ameloblastoma. This study's aim is to report a rare case of ameloblastic carcinoma and the successful treatment of a patient with an ameloblastic carcinoma by mandible segmented resection and miniplate AO reconstruction. Case Report: A 40 years old male patient came with a mass on his right lower jaw region. About three years prior to admission the patient complained of mass on his right lower jaw region about 1x1x1 cm in size. The mass got bigger up to 5x4x3 cm in size. The mass was painless, had a firm consistency, and its colour was normal. History of mass on his right lower jaw region was present and previously had been treated. Sentence the diagnosis by clinical features and histopathological findings. The patient underwent segmented resection of the mandible surgery and installation of a mini plate AO to gain contour of the mandible under general anaesthesia. Conclusion: It’s important to differ ameloblastic carcinoma from ameloblastoma to avoid mistreatment. The purpose of the installation of the plate was to maintain the mandible continuity and placement of mylohyoid muscle and also maintain function and aesthetics.

Key words: ameloblastic carcinoma, segmented resection, plate reconstruction

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