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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2021; 11(3): 379-384

Surgical management of bilateral ear pinna lesions associated with traumatic aural hematoma in a three-days-old goat kid

Panagiotis Dimitrios Katsoulos, Anna Dedousi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Aural hematomas are not uncommon in ruminantsÂ’ clinical practice; however, there is a lack of information regarding their management in newborn ruminants, especially for complicated cases with rupture of the hematoma and secondary ear pinna necrosis.
Case description: A 3 days old orphan goat kid was admitted due to swelling on the left ear pinna and trauma on the right pina caused by biting by other goats. The swelling on the left ear which was located at the convex surface was soft, painless, and fluid-filled, suggestive of aural hematoma located at the convex surface. The right pinna was swollen, bleeding, and extremely painful at palpation. The skin was necrotized at the distal 2/3rd of the convex surface and the 1/2 of the concave surface. Underneath the necrotized skin of the convex surface, blood and blood clots were trapped, and there was a pocket between the remaining normal skin and the cartilage indicating possible rupture of aural hematoma. The kid was surgically treated under general anesthesia with xylazine and ketamine. The aural hematoma was drained by the convex surface using a Penrose tube after flushing the cavity with 2 mg dexamethasone. The trauma of the right pinna was left to heal by secondary intention after resection of all necrotized, edematous tissues and blood clots. Post-surgery, the animal was treated with parenteral antibiotic administration and daily application of a topical antiseptic solution. The Penrose tube was removed after five days, and the animal recovered uneventfully.
Conclusions: The present case indicates that aural hematoma can occur in newborn goat kids secondary to ear pinna biting and might evolve to pinna necrosis. In addition, tube drainage after flushing the cavity with corticosteroids appears to be an effective treatment approach without requiring bandaging post-operatively.

Key words: Aural hematoma; ear pinna necrosis; Penrose drainage; surgery; goat kid

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