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Writing and Editing of Scientific Papers Using BOMRAD Structured Form and Proper Style of Reference's Citation

Izet Masic.


Background: The concept of scientific research is based on the use of scientific principles by passing through the appropriate and necessary steps and division of certain sections of the final written presentation of the results of the study. Before writing their papers in the form for sumiting on web site of the journal, authors need to write and prepare their papers with appropriate structured BOMRAD form, following template and instructions for authors which every journal deposited on its web site and published in printed form in every issue. Instructions and template are designed according the rules of ICMJE, COPE and EASE. Authors of the papers have obligation to sign documents: Copyright Assignment Form, Author's Contribution Form, and also declarations about Patients Consent Form, Conflict of Interest and Financial Support and Sponsorship statements. Objective: The aim of this paper was to describe proper elements how paper must be structured by BOMRAD Form, because almost all databases now request it, especialy if database deposits paper's full text, like does it PubMed Central. Also, author decribed importance of correctly use of appropriate styles of citation of the references in writen paper. Methods: Author used descriptive method of analyzing advantages of following rules and recommendations in Guidelines of ICMJE, EASE nad COPE, which intend to avoid plagiarsim and other kind of un-ethical author's bahavior. Results and Discussion: This paper covered regulations how and what any author need to read and know before decide to write its paper for potential publishing in some of the indexed journals. Authors need to respect rules and recommendations described in Instructions for authors, especially write its papers using BOMRAD structure form in design of the text, correct citation of used references and strictly keep themselfs from un-ethical behaviors, regarding authorship, affiliations and plagiarism. Every author must add in his/her paper ORCID ID, because it can help to reviewers and editors to manage the paper during its processing (editing, checking plagiarism, making assessment of the contents quality, etc.). All deposited papers in some of on-line databases will be evaluated by some of scientometric or bibliometric indexes. On-line databases have great influence to development of the papers quality by mesuring scientific contents of published papers using IF, Scopus h-Index, Google Scholar Index, etc,, because every academic or scientific institution, when making election in some of academic or scientific title, check it. Conclusion: BOMRAD Form of writing papers is sine quanon, and every author need to use it. H-Index and Google Scholar indexes presents a set of valuable measures to determine scientific excellence, and the h-Index is a better measure than a citation impact factor (IF). But, in the cases when somebody want to compare or assess academic or scientific quality of applicants for funding, promotions to some academic title, or prizes, other factors must be considered.

Key words: Science Editing, BOMRAD Form, Bibliometrics, h-Index, Google Scholar platform.

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