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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2009-2013

Prevalence of Proneness to Maladaptive Daydreaming Syndrome In Basra Medical Students

Zainab A. H.Kammad, Dr.Aqeel Ibraheem Al-Sabbagh, Mohammad Ali Hussain.


Introduction: - maladaptive is involving in excessive fantasy and formation of scenarios thatis not real and living in it, leading to dysfunction in social and occupational state.
Aim: - to find the prevalence of proneness to maladaptive daydreaming syndrome in studentsof Basra medical college.
Methods: - cross-sectional study done in Basra medical college, by applying the creativeexperience questionnaire on Basra medical students by online enrolment.
Results: - 76 student participated, fourteen of them (18.4%) had proneness to MD, mostlyfrom 1st stage, with 12(85.7%) of them had family history of psychiatric diseases.
Discussion: - our study has similar results to study done by Somer E in Haifa.
Conclusion: - we try to shed some light over an under – studied condition in psychiatry, andour study might open the way to similar studies to further diagnose MD.

Key words: maladaptive daydreaming, medical students, creative experience questionnaire

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