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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2031-2036

The Role of Teachers’ Competence to Achieve Effective Learning Management in Primary Schools

M. Syadeli Hanafi, Henny Setiyani.


Effective learning management includes all learning objectives both mental, physical and social dimensions that can make it easier for students to learn something useful. In learning management, teachers’ competence is needed, so that learning objectives can be achieved. To find out the relationship between the two, the research was conducted due to the role of teachers’ competence to achieve effective learning management. It was conducted at elementary school teachers in Serang City, with a total population of 825 teachers. In this study, a sample of 89 teachers was used. Sampling was done using the Slovin formula with a sampling error of 10%. The sample selection technique refers to the criteria: being certified, and having at least 5 (five) years of teaching experience. The results showed that teacher competence was positively related to the effectiveness of learning management with p value (0.000 < 0.05). The higher the competence of the teacher, the better the effectiveness of learning management, and vice versa.

Key words: effective learning, elementary school teachers, learning management, learning objectives, teacher competence

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