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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2037-2046


P. Muraleedharan, Aravindraj. G, Vijay. D, Vediyappan. K, Venkateswaran .V.R.


A shaper is a machine device used to machine a solitary occupation by utilizing a solitary point cutting apparatus and consequently it can't be utilized for high creation rates. This paper presents an examination on the shaper for high creation and looking at the material expulsion rate between traditional shaper machine and time decrease pneumatic shaper machine. The shaper machine has an inactive stroke during its bring movement back. This task will utilizes the inactive stroke as cutting stroke and henceforth increment the creation rate. This can be accomplished by expansion of clapper box with a device to such an extent that the course of action on apparatus holder has one instrument cinched on the clapper box independently. Return stroke would be a harsh eliminating stroke for the position contrasted with the forward stroke. The pneumatic wellspring of force with control embellishments is utilized to drive the slam to acquire the forward and bring strokes back.From the result it was found that using pneumatic in shaper machine material removal rate was increased and lead time was reduced.

Key words: Pneumatics, Solenoidvalve, flowcontrolvalve, Electric control unit

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