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Review Article

AAM. 2020; 9(1): 29-37

Way to promote normal labor through Ayurveda with special reference to ninth month Garbhini Paricharya: A review of nine clinical studies

Anubha Chandla, Vineeta Kumari Negi.


Birth is a natural process and not a medical procedure. Recent data from the National Family Health Survey 2015-16 (NFHS-4) reveals that in India the rate of Caesarean-sections has doubled over the last decade raising the country's average caesarean-section rates from 8.5% to 17.2% over the same period. The incidence of labor induction has also increased due to failure of spontaneous onset of labor at term or to shorten the duration of labor according to the convenience of healthcare workers. But there are potential risks associated with the procedure. The intervention affects the natural process of labor and may be associated with increased risks of complications especially bleeding, caesarean section, uterine hyper stimulation, rupture and other adverse outcomes. So the need of the hour is to adopt safer, holistic ways to ease and enhance the process of labor. Monthwise regime (diet & lifestyle) is described in Ayurveda for normal delivery of healthy baby through healthy mother without complications. Ninth month regime of anuvasana basti and yoni pichu with medicated oil is one important component of Garbhini paricharya. So this study has been conducted as a review where through electronic search previous clinical trials, evaluating the effect of anuvasana basti (matrabasti) and yoni pichu on labor phenomenon were retrieved and outcomes have been analyzed. Total nine clinical studies were found and overall analysis of outcomes revealed that this regime eases the labor process, reduces the total duration of labor significantly and promotes its natural termination. Scope: Incorporating this regime in routine antenatal care can contribute to safer motherhood.

Key words: Anuvasana basti, Garbhini, labor phenomenon, clinical review, yoni pichu

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