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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(4): 166-174

Surgical measurement of the length of the large intestinal tract in Nigerian local dogs

AI Kisani & R Kassam.


This study aimed to determine the total large intestinal length (TLIL) and the lengths of its various segments in Nigerian local dogs. Six (6) adult autochthonous Nigerian local dogs were used for this study. The dogs were premedicated, intramuscularly, with atropine sulphate and xylazine hydrochloride. They were administered anaesthesia and maintained with Thiopentone sodium intravenously. Access to their abdominal cavity was obtained via a mid-ventral abdominal incision. The large intestine was exteriorized and measured from caecum to rectum. The crown-rump length (CRL) and caecum (C) were significantly longer (p0.05) between these two size-wise categories of dogs. The ratios of crown-rump length to weight (CRLW) and large intestinal length to weight (LILW) were significantly higher (p

Key words: Anaesthesia, Crown-rump length, Dogs, Large intestine, Surgery

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