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Experience of cervical Pap smear screening in tertiary care hospital

Manju Kumari, Sachin Kolte.


Background: Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in women in developing countries like India. It is preventable by regular screening by Pap smear and can be detected at pre-invasive stage. Thus, reducing the morbidity and mortality related with cervical cancers.

Objective: This study aims at detecting the prevalence and current trends of various epithelial cell abnormalities (ECAs) in females attending a tertiary care hospital.

Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in a tertiary care hospital between July 2015 and May 2019. A total of 15,270 cases comprising 11,494 conventional and 3776 liquid-based cytology Pap smears were included in the study. Clinical data and history of the patients were retrieved. All cases were reported according to Bethesda system 2014.

Results: Among 15,270 cases, 793 Pap smears were unsatisfactory, 14,153 Pap smears were negative for intraepithelial lesion/malignancy, and 325 cases had ECA.

Conclusion: Large hospital-based studies are required for proper implementation of health services and for the selection of a feasible as well as sensitive screening test for early detection of cervical dysplasias which can be helpful in decreasing the burden of cervical cancer in our community.

Key words: Cervical Cancer; Low-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion; High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion; Pap Smear

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