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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2084-2099

Tales of Traditions, Aspects of Adaptations and Stories of Sustenance of the Largest River Island of the World

Aamirah Salam, Arpan Dasgupta.


Majuli in Assam in India is the largest river island of the world which was also declared as a first such independent district of India in the year 2016. The existence of Majuli however dates back to early 20th century when its area was more than 880sq km. But with time - Majuli has shrunk as the river surrounding it has grown and which brought its present area down to 340 sqkm.The timeline saw the evolution and sustenance of the place in its own distinct ways.Adaptation through primitive vernacular architecture is found as traditional approach of sustenance for the inhabitants here. The people of Majuli have created a built environment in their own terms which isarea specific, climatically responsive and integral to the region. They have used methods of construction which categorically responds to locally available resources and traditions and address survival issues at grass root level. Vernacular architecture tends to evolve over a period of time that reflects the traditional, climatic, cultural and historical aspects which exists in context of the place. The island of Majuli breathes its traditional response through its unique and indigenous ways since a long period of time. This study observes the socio-cultural, economic and ethnic traditions of the people of river island ofMajuli. The paper further does an extensive case study of the dominant Mising, Deuri and SonowalKachari tribes – their various survival strategies in terms of adaptation of built forms, local construction technologies adopted using of locally available resources and sustaining all climatic and natural adversities.

Key words: Adaptations, History, Sustainability, Traditional Architecture.

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