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Case Report

Primary low grade chondrosarcoma of the toe; an atypical localization

Mahmut Nedim Aytekin, Baris Kafa, Bulent Celasun, Enes Uluyardimci, Temel Oguz1, Nihat Tosun, Recep Ozturk.

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Chondrosarcoma is one of the bone primary malign tumors. After myeloma and osteosarcoma it is the third primary malignant tumor of the bone. The most common locations are long bones, pelvis and ribs. Chondrosarcoma of the feet is an uncommon location. In this study, we present a 45-year-old female patient with chondrosarcoma of the right foot. We applied a marginal excision. No complication occur and no recurrence has not been seen duringthe patient's 3-year postoperative follow-up.

Key words: chondrosarcoma, toe, feet, malignant, tumors, atypical localization

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