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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4067-4075

Legitimate Provisions And Judicial Contribution Of Education In India

Dr. Geeta Shrivastava, Ms. Tulika.


Education was also considered as a means of ensuring that all citizens have equal opportunities in their social and economic lives. As a result, numerous provisions were placed into the Constitution to ensure that everyone had access to education. The court was unequivocal in its assertion that the primary function of educational institutions is to promote education rather than to generate revenue. Among other things, the state is required to make "effective provision" for schooling, among other things. As a result, state administrators are open to regulating the establishment of private schools in accordance with the educational needs of the region. The Constitution expressly provides for the passage of legislation on education by the competent legislative body. The inclusion of education in the concurrent list under Entry 25 has been made possible by the 40th and second amendments to the United States Constitution. Individuals' personal, educational, social, and economic lives are all impacted by their education to varying degrees. In the same way that quality education has enhanced opportunities in life; an economically active populace improves the foundation of a nation and lends greater strength to democracy in the long run. Even the judiciary took an active interest, concluding that the right to education is a basic right.

Key words: legitimate, provisions, judicial, education, India, etc.

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