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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4076-4083

Computer Programs Copyright And Need Of "Adequate" Intellectual Protection

Dr. Geeta Shrivastava, Ms. Tulika.


Scientific and technological knowledge is built up over time, the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge is dependent on the timely and widespread disclosure of new findings, which allows them to be quickly discarded if they are found to be unreliable, or confirmed and brought into productive collaboration with other bodies of reliable knowledge. Traditional intellectual property protection for computer programmes was provided by copyright rather than through patents. The law of copyright, which was originally intended to protect literary property, has now been extended to cover other forms of artistic expression. Besides providing protection against unauthorized duplication of books, the Act also faces new and unexpected difficulties as a result of the rapid speed of technological progress. As India's social well-being and economic development progresses, the software industry in general and software services in particular will play a major role. No matter how big or little it is Indian’s software industry has been a vital force in the spectacular expansion of computer software. A computer programme is an example of an intellectual work that does not fall within the standard types of intellectual property protection. On top of all this, it has been suggested that widespread Internet use and digitalization of information have led to the death of copyright protection for computer programmes.

Key words: intellectual, protection, computer, program, copyright, etc.

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