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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4084-4091

Concept Of Bailable And Non-Bailable Offences Under The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973

Dr. Pankaj Choudhury, Ms. Nimisha Sinha.


Bail is a legal term that refers to the process of obtaining a person's release from prison while awaiting trial or an appeal by depositing a bond to secure his timely surrender to legal authority. The court that has jurisdiction over the prisoner determines the monetary value of the bail, or more precisely, the bail bond. In a courtroom both parole and bail have unmistakable undertones. The specific structure, under which the application is documented, combined with the petition made and allowed are the conclusive variables to demonstrate its temperament the importance of the term „bail‟ is to set free an individual who will be locked up, confinement or is under some sort of limitation by taking security for his appearance. Section 436 of the criminal procedure code, read with Form 45 of timetable II of that code considers two sorts of safety. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, is one such procedural law. In instances of under-preliminaries accused of the commission of an offense or offenses the court is by and large called upon to conclude whether to deliver him on bail or to submit him to imprison.

Key words: bailable, non-bailable, criminal, procedure, code, etc.

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