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Case Report

Utilization of partial Flexor carpi radialis tendon graft in cases of absent palmaris longus for Extensor tendon gap reconstruction

Pradeoth Mukundan Korambayil, Rameela ravindran Karangath.


Post traumatic loss of segment of the central tendon of extensor expansion is common in crush injury of the hand. Central tendon forms the inherent part in the dynamics of extensor expansion mechanism. When a segmental loss of central tendon occurs, usually the reconstruction of the tendon is done with autogenous Palmaris longus tendon as it is more expendable. In this particular clinical scenario, the absence of Palmaris longus tendon was dealt with partial removal of Flexor Carpi radialis tendon which proved to be effective. The outcome following surgery was reasonable. Post operatively Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was given to improve the survival of crushed tissue.

Key words: Central tendon reconstruction, Palmaris longus, Flexor carpi radialis, hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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