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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4150-4161

Globalization And Its Impact On The Media Management In India

Dr. Ankur Kumar Agrawal, Ms. Meenakshi Kumari.


India has developed into an important global media power. In India, all forms of communication serve the people's needs. India's media network is considered as one of the largestnetworks globally. In this paper, we will discuss about the globalization and media management and the impact of globalization on the media management. More than 40 research publications from peer-reviewed journals were screened at random for this article. The articles are categorized by the year they were published, specific countries, the journal in which they were published, industry type, and research technique. As a result, the publications are scrutinized much more closely in this context.

Key words: Globalization, Media, Management

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