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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2159-2169

Study on service quality and student satisfaction: the competitive dimension of the physical infrastructure of Pakistani universities

Nabila Khurshid, Jamila Khurshid, SaniaZaheer, SaimaAsad, SaniaMehmood.


The present study investigates the implication of critical Service Quality success factors on universitiesÂ’
students satisfaction level in Pakistan. A wide-ranging survey was conducted for data collection. A wellstructured
questionnaire was used, and stratified random sampling has been used to select 600 respondents.
The universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad have been selected as sample cases. These universities were
further divided into three sectors, i.e., Government,semi-government, and private. 200 respondents were
selected from each sector, thus making a total of 600 respondents. This research points to the importance of
Service quality of infrastructure in the higher education sector of Pakistan. All the results are significant, and
the overall impact of every independent variable is positive on student satisfaction

Key words: Service Quality, student satisfaction, student Perception, Higher education institutions (HEI).

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