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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4162-4174

The Quality Of Management Education In India: A Conceptual Framework

Dr. Sara Kamal, Dr. Vivek Mittal.


Management education has increased considerably in the previous ten years. Concerns concerning the quality of education delivered in B-Schools have grown as the number of these schools has increased across India. According to a thorough literature analysis of international and national publications, there is no holistic technique for monitoring and evaluating quality in a B-School. The aim of this study is to understand better and analyse quality procedures at Indian B-Schools from the perspective of students, recruiting businesses, teachers and department heads(Gupta and Chaturvedi, 2021).More than 40 research publications from peer-reviewed journals were screened at random for this article. The articles are categorized by the year they were published, specific countries, the journal in which they were published, industry type, and research technique. As a result, the publications are scrutinized much more closely in this context. A conclusion and a result section are also included in this work.

Key words: Management, Education, India, Conceptual

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