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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2162-2174

Analogical Parents In Face Of The Home-Schooling Implementation

Astrid Ramírez Valencia, Luz Marilyn Ortiz, Yury De jesus Ferrer Franco.


This article aims to reflect on the new demands imposed on analogical families facing the teaching conditions generated from the pandemic through which we are going to develop it using the qualitative method through which it was possible the application of various surveys made to a group of student practitioners who were developing their teaching practice. As a conclusion, it is recognized the importance that the family had in the accompaniment of the educational processes of the school that had to be assumed in a high percentage by the analogous parents, determining in the same way the technological deficiencies and a lack of digital domain by some of these analogous parents were identified, in the development of the English classes based on the work at home.

Key words: analogous families, pandemic, school.

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