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JCBPR. 2020; 9(2): 132-138

Agorafobinin Eşlik Ettiği ve Etmediği Panik Bozukluk ile Agorafobinin Bilişsel Özellikler Açısından Karşılaştırılması


Cited by 2 Articles

Panic disorder (PD) and Agoraphobia (AG) exhibit both similar and distinct cognitive features. The aim of this study was to compare patients with PD, AG and panic disorder with agoraphobia (PBA) in terms of agoraphobic cognitions, body sensations, catastrophic cognitions, and meta-cognitions. 64 PDA, 52 AG, and 36 PD patients were included in the study. The Structural Clinical Interview for Axis-I (SCID-I), Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire (ACQ), Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ), Catastrophic Cognitions Questionnaire (CCQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire (MCQ) were administered to the participants. Chi-square test and Kruskal Wallis analysis were used to compare sociodemographic data and scale scores between the three groups. The results showed that ACQ total scores of the PDA group were significantly higher compared to the other groups. There were no statistically significant differences between PD, AG and PDA groups in terms of BSQ, CCQ, and MCQ total scores. BDI total scores of PD group were significantly lower than AG and PDA groups. BAI total scores of PDA group were significantly higher compared to the other groups. Studies on cognitive features among patients with PD, AG or PDA will contribute to cognitive behavioral models and treatment process of these disorders.

Key words: Agoraphobia, panic disorder, cognitive therapy, meta-cognition

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