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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2165-2173

Comparative Financial Performance of Select Public and Private Sector Banks in India

Ravikumar Undi, Basavaraj C.S.


Purpose: Present paper aims to analyse the comparative financial performance of selectpublic and private sector banks in India.
Design/methodology/approach: To analyze the financial performance, researchers have selected seven key financial ratios viz. Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Financial Return, Financial Cost, Financial Margin, Net Margin, and Operating Profit Margin. And Paired t-test has been calculated to know if thereis any difference in the ratios between both the sectors.
Findings:The study finds that the private sector banks are performing better than the public sector banks as their average financial ratios are better than public sector banks during the study period.
Originality/values: Researchers have selected tenpublic and tenprivate sector banks in India for the study and required data have been collected from annual reports of each bank for a period of five years, from 2015 to 2019.

Key words: Public sector banks, Private sector banks, Financial performance, Financial ratios, Paired t-test.

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