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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2212-2221

Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite-Chitosan Scaffold Films Obtained From Oceanic Sand Lobsters Shells

Annapoorani C L, Sofia Bobby J, Gunarajulu R, Radhika P.


A species of sand lobster available at the Bay of Bengal in abundance was chosen for the bio mineral extraction. Therefore, our aim was to prepare a film through bio mineral extraction from the species, then us orientalis. The lobsters were collected from the shore and its hard portions were separated. Then the hard portion was dried under sun for few days till it had become completely dry. The same was ground into powder in a mixer and taken for Hydroxyapatite (HAp) product preparations. The obtained bio mineral, HAp powder was white and crystalline. The HAp powder was added to Chitosan solution and casted in Petri dish and obtained as film. The film was removed and kept in a sealed cover for further analyses. The HAp and Chitosan film was characterised for their chemical functional group analyses by FTIR. The thermal behaviour and thermal stability were evaluated by DSC and TGA respectively. The future works such as good film formation of the blend and incorporating them into 3D printing for making film shall be worked upon. Both the conventionally prepared film and by 3D Printed films properties will be compared and studied.

Key words: Hydroxyapatite, Sand Lobster, Chitosan, film, scaffolds, bio mineral.

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