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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2255-2259

Design of Low Loss Asymmetrical Photonic Crystal Fiber For Terahertz Communication

A Alice Linsie, Shyamal Mondal*.


In this paper, we present the numerical simulation of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) design which exhibits zero flattened dispersion and birefringence at THz frequency in the range of 0.1 to 0.6 THz. Birefringence is introduced by breaking symmetry in cladding whole structure. Porous core and circular air-holes of different diameters have been used as cladding. This investigation reveals that significant birefringence of the order of 7.03138x10-11 and flat near zero dispersion of 1.85x10-33 ps/THz/m is achieved over frequency range of 0.1- 0.6 THz respectively. These types of PCF based THz waveguides are essential for beyond 5G and 6G communication.

Key words: Photonic Crystal Fiber, Asymmetrical waveguide, Dispersion-flattened THz fiber, Cross sectional view of the proposed PCF, different frequencies in THz regime

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