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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2276-2282

A Detailed Study on Image Super Resolution for Satellite and Medical Application

Jagadeesh R J, G.R. Jothi Lakshmi.


Image resolution remains as a solitary for principal measurements of image excellence. High-resolution imageries are frequently essential and anticipated for maximum of applications as they symbolize auxiliary information. Though, the superlative employment imageries instruments in addition visual machineries towards upsurge of images pixel compactness typically limiting in addition expensive. Consequently, operative usage image handling methods aimed at obtaining great resolution images produced from small resolution imageries remains lowcost in addition dominant resolution. Sympathetic for images development remains entitled images super-resolution. The survey carry out towards explore present-day super-resolution methodologies implemented for engender a great resolution images. Additionally, highpoints strengths besides restrictions of existing methodologies. Additional, numerous image excellence measures are discoursed to extent relationship amongst original and reassembled images.

Key words: frequency dominion, Super-resolution, spatial dominion, resolution improvement, image interpolation.

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