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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2300-2306

Location Tracking System for Vehicular Emergency using IOT

Vamsidhar Enireddy, Vijendra Babu D, Karthikeyan C, Malarvezhi P, Naveen N.


Transportation plays a major role in everyone’s daily routine. Tremendous development in city infrastructure has major challenges in Transportation. In day to day leave, Vehicle accidents are more critical and results in injuries, loss of line & damages to vehicle. To overcome it, Emergency assistance to be reached to the incident spot in short span for improving survival rates. An accelerometer is used in vehicle for detection of rash driving & it communicates to authenticated person through GSM. The location of the spot is been sent to authorized email which results in detecting the accident and theft of the vehicle in efficient manner.

Key words: Accelerometer, GPS, Location tracking, Circuit diagram, and vehicle accident not occurred vibration sensor circuit D1 LED glows

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