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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2307-2313

An Efficient Implementation of IWT-DCT-SVD for Copyright Protection in Digital Watermarking Algorithm

Karthikeyan C, Vijendra Babu D, Malarvezhi P, Tamilselvan M, RajeshKumar T, Enireddy Vamsidhar.


Digital Watermarking is utilized to mask the information identical to text, picture, video, multimedia within itself and also it protects the possessor of the signal which is being set up by the unlawful distribution and duplication. A combination of IWT, SVD and DCT is proposed to preserve replication of signals successfully and used for Digital Watermarking pictures and improving image protection SVD is submitted to approximate and the vertical coefficient of Wavelet Transform. The Investigational outcome shows that the IWT-DCT-SVD algorithm yields better imperceptibility for images and imparts watermarked images with acceptable condition.

Key words: Watermarking, DCT, SVD, IWT

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