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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2406-2412

Solar Photovoltaic System Performance Analysis And It’s Application For Smart City Electrification

Payal Soni, J. Subhashini.


-In India maximumpart of electrical energy requirement is fulfilled by Power Grid and per unit rate often increases as the electricity consumption increases, if the consumption is higher during peak hours, per unit rate further increases as compared to the off-pick time in a day.In case of Smart City, where continuous electrical supply is a basis requirement forsmart city operating systems, which consumes high amount of electrical power. To ensure safety and security of software, it require backup source of electricity, presently these requirements are full filled by DG Sets or UPS System with battery backup. In all the cases power cost and maintenance cost is very high. For the electrification of smart city with lower power and maintenance cost the convergence of renewable energy sources and communication technology is the most important factor of generation, transmission and distribution.Integration of the solar photovoltaic energy generation system can be used as a microgrid and Nano grid stage to allow smart cities with low-tariff power consumption.A simulation model based on MATLAB SIMULINK software is developed, to analyze the efficiency of solar photovoltaic system and to improve the electrical power generation by monitoring of solar irradiance and cell temperature parameter. On the basis of output characteristics curve from designed modelsuch as power v/s cell temperature, voltage v/s cell temperature and current v/s cell temperature. By keeping solar irradiance as constant and variation incell temp is analyzed, how the output power of PV array varies.According to this analysis, consumer can manage energy consumption smartly and supply the smart city equipment with or without Grid power supply and reduce monthly electricity.

Key words: Smart city, solar Photovoltaic system, cell temperature, solar irradiance, Generated power

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