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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2420-2426

A Fair Power Allocation Method For Improving Capacity Of Sc-Noma System

Muhammad Ahmad, M S Vasanthi.


This paper explains the main concepts of the Power Allocation in Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA).The, relationship between Bit Error Rate (BER) of NOMA with the values of power allocation coefficients is established.The power allocation coefficients for a dynamic power allocation scheme called fair Power Allocation is derived. Further the outage and sum rate performance of fair Power Allocation is simulated and studied. Finally, the number of users that can be multiplexed on the same user is also studied and the improvement in capacity compared to other traditional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) schemes is demonstrated.

Key words: Fifth Generation (5G),Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, Power allocation, Successive interference cancellation

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