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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2538-2545

Empowering Strategies for Learners to Improve English Communication and Soft Skills

Anil B. Patil.


Learning a second language requires a strong desire and enthusiasm. It also requires consistent motivation. If a learner has a strong desire and motivation, learning a second language becomes an enjoyable process. English is clearly a second language for many learners. Empowerment is a major aspect for the growth of a country and it needs to be taken care with proper planning and implementation of various schemes and strategies. While receiving higher education, a learner’s desire to become a professional is crucial. As a professional, a person needs to possess strong personality attributes. Teachers and trainers of English, communication skills and soft skills play a crucial role in the life of learners. They should be equipped with teaching and learning material and methodology. They also require relevant training on regular basis so that they can keep their learners updated with recent technological and research developments. Soft skills are the major personality attributes and they play a significant role in the journey of a learner towards becoming a professional in life and career.
Curriculum designing is another significant aspect which needs a careful attention from experts in the field of higher education. It needs to be designed taking into account the requirements of the employing workplaces as well as the requirements of the emerging fields in management and areas of human resource as well. This research paper provides empowering strategies to learners of English. These strategies will empower them to learn and master English. The paper also suggests useful strategies on enhancing learners’ soft skills and how these both areas can significantly be utilised in the path of making personal and professional career.

Key words: Empowerment, English, communication skills, soft skills, curriculum designing, teaching, learning, training, life, career

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